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वसंतराव नाईक राज्य कृषि विस्तार व्यवस्थापन प्रशिक्षण संस्था (वनामती) नागपूर

वसंतराव नाईक राज्य कृषि विस्तार व्यवस्थापन प्रशिक्षण संस्था (वनामती) नागपूर

रामेती पुणे

प्राचार्याचे मनोगत

प्रादेशिक कृषी विस्तार व्यवस्थापन प्रशिक्षण संस्था; पुणे ही महाराष्ट्र शासनाच्या कृषी विभागाची वनामती, नागपुर यांचे अधिनस्थ कार्य करणारी प्रादेशिक प्रशिक्षण संस्था आहे. महाराष्ट्र राज्य कृषी विभाग आणि संलग्न क्षेत्राच्या अधिकाऱ्यांना प्रशिक्षण देण्याची जबाबदारी या संस्थेवर आहे. रामेती, पुणे संस्था वर्षभर विविध प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम आयोजित करून प्रशिक्षणार्थींमध्ये अपेक्षित क्षमता विकसित करण्यास मदत करते. यामुळे प्रशिक्षणार्थीची कृषि क्षेत्रातील कामगिरी उंचावून शेतकऱ्यांचे जीवनमान सुधारण्यास मदत होईल. कृषी विषयक नवनवीन तंत्रज्ञान, शासनाच्या योजना, उपक्रम याचे अनुषंगाने क्षेत्रीय स्तरावर तसेच प्रशासकीय स्तरावर आत्मविश्वासाने काम करण्यासाठी मनुष्यबळ घडविण्यात रामेतीचे भरीव योगदान आहे. परंपरागत शेती आणि आधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानाची जोड असलेली शेती या दोन्हींचा समन्वय साधणे ही येत्या काळाची गरज आहे. लहरी निसर्ग, बदलत जाणारे पाऊसमान यावर तंत्रज्ञानाची मदत घेऊन मात करणे शक्य आहे. मात्र याकरिता अद्ययावत तंत्रज्ञान वापराच्या दृष्टीने शासकीय मनुष्यबळाचे क्षमतावर्धन करण्याचे महत्वाचे काम रामेतीचे असून सदर जबाबदारी रामेती, पुणे यशस्वीपणे पार पाडत आहे. या सर्व प्रक्रियेमध्ये वनामती, नागपुर नेहमीच आमची मार्गदर्शक राहिली आहे.

प्रशिक्षण दिनदर्शिका

वार्षिक दिनदर्शिका

Year 2024-2025
    May 2023
  • Training programme on Quality Control And Input Management
    27 May 2024

  • Trainers Training programme on kharif cropsFFS Soybean,Tur Paddy Bajra
    15 May 2024

  • Training programme on Fodder production and Silage Preparation
    27 May 2024

  • Workshop on CROPSAP and HORTSAP
    03 Jun 2024

  • Training programme on Farm Mechanisation
    27 May 2024

  • Training Programme On Soil Health Management
    27 May 2024

  • June 2023
  • Training programme on Bio fertilizer & Bio Pesticides
    03 Jun 2024

  • Training programme on Office Administration and Account Procedure
    10 Jun 2024

  • Training programme on Use of Agril. Apps & MAHADBT
    18 Jun 2024

  • Training programme on Organic farming, Certification and Marketing
    24 Jun 2024

  • Training programme on Organic farming, Certification and Marketing
    24 Jun 2024

  • Training programme on Dairy and fodder production
    12 Jun 2024

  • Training programme on Agri. Stat Schemes
    19 Jun 2024

  • Trainers Training Programme on kharif Crops, FFS,Soybean, Tur, Paddy Mai
    03 Jun 2024

    03 Jun 2024

  • Training Programme on MREGS
    04 Jun 2024

  • Training programme on Integrated Pest Management ( IPM)
    19 Jun 2024

  • Trainers Training programme on Commercial cultivation of Bamboo
    24 Jun 2024

  • July 2023
  • Training programme on Rejuvenation of Orchards
    01 Jul 2024

  • Training programme on Promotion of Agripreneurship
    08 Jul 2024

  • Training programme on Integrated Pest Management
    08 Jul 2024

  • Training programme on Pesticide Application Techniques & safety Measures
    15 Jul 2024

  • Training programme on Non Conventional Fruit Crops
    22 Jul 2024

  • Training programme on Integrated Nutrient Management
    22 Jul 2024

  • Training programme on Sugarcane
    29 Jul 2024

  • Training programme on Pomegranate Production Technology
    29 Jul 2024

  • Training programme on Agricultural Statistics Schemes
    01 Jul 2024

  • Training Programme on Protected Cultivation of Major Vegetables and Flower Crops
    08 Jul 2024

  • Comprehensive Training Programme of CBO Leaders under SMART Project
    10 Jul 2024

  • Trainers Training Programme on Pesticide Application Techniques & Safety Measures
    15 Jul 2024

  • Navniyukt krushi sevak Foundation training 2024-25,Batch -1
    22 Jul 2024

  • Trainers Training Programme on Sugarcane production technology
    18 Jul 2024

  • Workshop on CROPSAP/ HORTSAP
    22 Jul 2024

  • Training Programme on Non-Conventional fruit Crops
    25 Jul 2024

  • Training Programme on Pomegranate Production Technology
    29 Jul 2024

  • August 2023
  • Training programme on Open Field Vegetable Production
    05 Aug 2024

  • Training programme on Formation and management Of FPO
    12 Aug 2024

  • Training programme on Open Field Flower Production Technnology
    12 Aug 2024

  • Training programme on Protected Cultivation Of Major Vegetables & Flower crops
    19 Aug 2024

  • Training programme on Micro Irrigation & Fertigation
    20 Aug 2024

  • Training programme on Participation of Women In Agriculture
    26 Aug 2024

  • Training programme on Use of Agricultral Apps & MAHADBT
    26 Aug 2024

  • Training programme on Use of Agril. Apps & MAHADBT
    01 Aug 2024

  • Training Programme on Organic Farming,Certification and Marketing
    05 Aug 2024

  • Comprehensive Training Programme of CBO Leaders under SMART Project
    06 Aug 2024

  • Training programme on biofertilizers and Biopesticides
    12 Aug 2024

  • Training Programme on Office Administration and Account Procedure
    19 Aug 2024

  • Training programme on Promotion of Agri-Preneurship development
    26 Aug 2024

  • Comprehensive Training programme of CBO Leaders under SMART Project
    27 Aug 2024

  • Training Programme on Integrated Nutrient Management (INM)
    29 Aug 2024

  • September 2023
  • Training programme on Phytosanitary Measures & Residue Monitoring Plan
    02 Sep 2024

  • Training programme on Social Electronic & Print Media for Effective Extension
    02 Sep 2024

  • Training programme on High density plantation Guava, Mango, Custard Apple
    09 Sep 2024

  • Training programme on Fruits & Vegetable Processing and Marketing
    11 Sep 2024

  • Training programme on GEM portal & E-Tender
    18 Sep 2024

  • Training programme on Office Administration and Account procedure
    23 Sep 2024

  • Training programme on Commercial cultivation of Tomato processing and marketing
    18 Sep 2024

  • Training programme on Storage and Warehouse Management
    24 Sep 2024

  • Use of Social, Electronic and Print Media for effective extension
    02 Sep 2024

  • Navniyukt Krushi Sevak Foundation Training Programme
    09 Sep 2024

  • TTP on Commercial cultivation of Tomato,Processing & Marketing
    09 Sep 2024

  • Training Programme on Rabi crops and FFS
    12 Sep 2024

  • Trainers Training Programme on Commercial Cultivation of Onion Storage Processing and Marketing
    18 Sep 2024

    19 Sep 2024

  • District Master Trainers Training Programme on PM KISAN Scheme
    19 Sep 2024

  • Trainers Training programme on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
    23 Sep 2024

    25 Sep 2024

  • October 2023
  • Training programme on Agripreneurship Development
    07 Oct 2024

  • Training programme on Agril. Export Management
    07 Oct 2024

  • TNA Workshop
    04 Oct 2024

  • Training programme on commercial cultivation of Onion Storage, Processing and Marketing
    14 Oct 2024

  • Training programme on Aromatic and Medicinal plants
    14 Oct 2024

  • Training programme on Avenues for Enhancing farmers Income through Allied sectors
    04 Nov 2024

  • Training programme on Concept of Agro Tourism
    21 Oct 2024

  • Training programme For Enhancing Farmers Income through Mushroom Production
    21 Oct 2024

  • Training programme on Microirrigation and Fertigation
    03 Oct 2024

  • Training programme on Office Administration and Account Procedure
    07 Oct 2024

    15 Oct 2024

    22 Oct 2024

  • November 2023
  • Training programme on Use of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Marketing
    04 Nov 2024

  • Training programme on Central Sector Schemes
    18 Nov 2024

  • Training programme on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Marketing in Agril.
    11 Nov 2024

  • Training programme on Documentation of Success Stories
    11 Nov 2024

  • Foundation Training of Newly Appointed Krishi Sewak Batch 1
    04 Nov 2024

  • Training programme on Exportable Banana Production Technology
    18 Nov 2024

  • Training programme on Hydroponics
    25 Nov 2024

  • Training programme on PMFME Scheme
    25 Nov 2024

  • December 2023
  • Training programme on Valuation of Fruit Crops
    02 Dec 2024

  • Training programme on Nursery and Nursery Management
    03 Dec 2024

  • Training programme on Seri Culture Management
    09 Dec 2024

  • Training programme for Change in Attitude & Work Culture of Class 4 officials
    12 Dec 2024

  • Training programme for Open field Cultivation of Vegetable Crops (Cabbage, Cauliflower, Okra, Brijal)
    16 Dec 2024

  • Training programme for Open Field Cultivation of Flower Crops (Merigold, Chrysanthemum,Tuberose,Roses)
    18 Dec 2024

  • Training programme for Cultivation of vegetable crops under controlled conditions (Cucumber, Capsicum, Tomato)
    26 Dec 2024

  • Training programme on DPR Preparation under MIDH & PMFME Scheme
    26 Dec 2024

  • Foundation Training of Newly Appointed Krishi Sewak Batch 2
    02 Dec 2024

  • January 2024
  • Training programme on Commercial Culitvation of Drumstick
    01 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Watershed management Batch 1
    06 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Watershed management Batch 2
    06 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Climate Chane mitigation and Adoption
    15 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Market Led Extension
    13 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Forward and Fututre Market & Market Led extension
    06 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Insitu Soil Moisture Conservation
    20 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Market Led Business Planning for FPO
    20 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Climate Resilent Agriculture and Carbon Sequestration
    20 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Capacity Building Of BFAC/ DFAC Members of ATMA
    22 Jan 2025

आगामी प्रशिक्षण

(4 Months)
    October 2024
  • Training programme on Agripreneurship Development - Register
    07 Oct 2024

  • Training programme on Agril. Export Management - Register
    07 Oct 2024

  • TNA Workshop - Register
    04 Oct 2024

  • Training programme on commercial cultivation of Onion Storage, Processing and Marketing - Register
    14 Oct 2024

  • Training programme on Aromatic and Medicinal plants - Register
    14 Oct 2024

  • Training programme on Avenues for Enhancing farmers Income through Allied sectors - Register
    04 Nov 2024

  • Training programme on Concept of Agro Tourism - Register
    21 Oct 2024

  • Training programme For Enhancing Farmers Income through Mushroom Production - Register
    21 Oct 2024

  • Training programme on Microirrigation and Fertigation - Register
    03 Oct 2024

  • Training programme on Office Administration and Account Procedure - Register
    07 Oct 2024

    15 Oct 2024

    22 Oct 2024

  • November 2024
  • Training programme on Use of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Marketing - Register
    04 Nov 2024

  • Training programme on Central Sector Schemes - Register
    18 Nov 2024

  • Training programme on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Marketing in Agril. - Register
    11 Nov 2024

  • Training programme on Documentation of Success Stories - Register
    11 Nov 2024

  • Foundation Training of Newly Appointed Krishi Sewak Batch 1 - Register
    04 Nov 2024

  • Training programme on Exportable Banana Production Technology - Register
    18 Nov 2024

  • Training programme on Hydroponics - Register
    25 Nov 2024

  • Training programme on PMFME Scheme - Register
    25 Nov 2024

  • December 2024
  • Training programme on Valuation of Fruit Crops - Register
    02 Dec 2024

  • Training programme on Nursery and Nursery Management - Register
    03 Dec 2024

  • Training programme on Seri Culture Management - Register
    09 Dec 2024

  • Training programme for Change in Attitude & Work Culture of Class 4 officials - Register
    12 Dec 2024

  • Training programme for Open field Cultivation of Vegetable Crops (Cabbage, Cauliflower, Okra, Brijal) - Register
    16 Dec 2024

  • Training programme for Open Field Cultivation of Flower Crops (Merigold, Chrysanthemum,Tuberose,Roses) - Register
    18 Dec 2024

  • Training programme for Cultivation of vegetable crops under controlled conditions (Cucumber, Capsicum, Tomato) - Register
    26 Dec 2024

  • Training programme on DPR Preparation under MIDH & PMFME Scheme - Register
    26 Dec 2024

  • Foundation Training of Newly Appointed Krishi Sewak Batch 2 - Register
    02 Dec 2024

  • January 2024
  • Training programme on Commercial Culitvation of Drumstick - Register
    01 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Watershed management Batch 1 - Register
    06 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Watershed management Batch 2 - Register
    06 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Climate Chane mitigation and Adoption - Register
    15 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Market Led Extension - Register
    13 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Forward and Fututre Market & Market Led extension - Register
    06 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Insitu Soil Moisture Conservation - Register
    20 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Market Led Business Planning for FPO - Register
    20 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Climate Resilent Agriculture and Carbon Sequestration - Register
    20 Jan 2025

  • Training programme on Capacity Building Of BFAC/ DFAC Members of ATMA - Register
    22 Jan 2025

रामेती प्रशिक्षण संस्थेची उद्दीष्टे

1.कृषी विभागातील अधिकारी/ कर्मचारी यांना कृषी विभागाच्या योजना, प्रशासकीय, आस्थापना इ. संदर्भात सखोल मार्गदर्शन करून त्यांना परिपूर्ण करण्याचा प्रयत्न करणे.

2.कृषी विभागाचे धोरण व कार्यपद्धतीबाबत नवनियुक्त अधिकारी/ कर्मचारी यांना पायाभूत प्रशिक्षणाच्या माध्यमातून प्रशिक्षित करणे.

3.कृषी विस्ताराच्या माध्यमातून आधुनिक कृषी तंत्रज्ञानाचा प्रसार शेतकऱ्यापर्यंत पोहोचवण्यासाठी अधिकारी/ कर्मचारी यांना सक्षम करणे.

4. कृषी प्रक्रिया, विपणन व शेतीपुरक व्यवसाय क्षेत्रातील नाविन्यपूर्ण बाबींची अद्यावत माहिती प्रशिक्षणार्थींना देणे.

5.कृषी विभागाचे कार्य, विविध प्रकल्प योजना यांच्या अंमलबजावणीसाठी अधिकारी/ कर्मचाऱ्यांचे व्यवस्थापकीय कौशल्य विकसित करणे.

आमचा दृष्टीकोन

कृषि विभागातील क्षेत्रीय अधिकारी, कर्मचार्‍यांना सेवा बजावत असताना उत्कृष्ट कार्य करण्यासाठी आवश्यक प्रशिक्षण देण्याची महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका रामेती, पुणे बजावत आहे. सामान्य प्रशासन विभागाच्या १४ ऑक्टोबर २०१३ रोजीच्या शासन निर्णयानुसार रामेती पुणे ही संस्था विभागीय प्रशासकीय प्रशिक्षण संस्था म्हणून घोषित करण्यात आली आहे. त्याद्वारे राज्य शासन सेवेत कार्यरत सर्व विभागांतील वर्ग दोन अधिकाऱ्यांची कार्यक्षमता वाढवून गतिमान प्रशासन करण्यात रामेती, पुणे संस्था मोलाची भूमिका बजावत आहे. प्रशिक्षणार्थींचे कौशल्य, वृत्ती आणि वर्तणुकीमध्ये सकारात्मक बदल घडवणे व अंतिमरित्या त्यांना कृषी विस्तारात सक्षम बनवून त्याद्वारे शेतकऱ्यांना प्रभावी सहाय्य आणि मार्गदर्शन देऊन त्यांच्या समृद्धीला चालना देण्याचे काम रामेती, पुणे करत आहे. .